2020 Census Resources
Census Response Rate Challenge |
If you’re looking for a diversion during the coming weeks, join the Census Response Rate Challenge and help improve SC's standing.
The U.S. Census Bureau updates its map of response rates each day.
This map also includes information on the Census tracks with the highest and lowest response rates, and information about response rates among hard-to-count parts of the population.
Once you have learned more about the response rate in your county, take action to improve these response rates by reminding people in your (virtual) networks that they can complete the Census in three ways: (1) online; (2) by phone; or (3) by mail. If you haven’t already done so, you can also improve the response rate by completing the Census questionnaire for your own household!
Every 10 years, we have the "great national headcount", and in South Carolina, we have many reasons to make sure that we have an accurate count in 2020, because the Census data determines or influences:
- The allocation of representation in Congress and the SC General Assembly.
- Distribution of federal funding to the states. SC currently receives $7.3 Billion/year in census-allocated funds.
- Community planning for schools and hospitals.
- Civil rights enforcement through fair housing laws, the Voting Rights Act, etc.
- Site selection for businesses deciding where to expand or move.
- How other data that we all rely on are collected. The Census is the foundation for most statistics that nonprofit leaders rely on!
Participating in the Census is much like voting: It's our civic duty, it ensures communities receive the representation they're due, and the outcome has a profound impact on our communities!
For that reason, Together SC's Board of Directors has adopted the following position:
"An accurate count for the 2020 Census is vital to ensuring that South Carolina receives its fair share of resources and funding, and that nonprofits and funders have accurate information for planning their grantmaking, programs, and services. Together SC supports efforts by nonprofits, funders, and state and local governments to supplement the work of the U.S. Census Bureau to ensure that every South Carolinian is counted."
Census Resources
- NEW! 10 minutes, 10 questions, 10 years of funding! Fill Out Your Census Today!
- US Census Bureau - 2020 Census
- Facebook Live video of 2019 Nonprofit Summit Presentation "SC Counts"
- Census 2020 Hard-to-Count Map - See census tracts which were under-counted in 2010
- Report: Blacks, Latinos at Risk of Undercount in 2020 Census - NY Times (6/4/19)
- Census 2020: New Research Identifies Factors Linked to Undercounting Kids
- The Census Counts
- Nonprofits Count: Census 2020