Speaking Together -August Advocacy Update

Posted By: GP McLeer Learning Together,

State House Update

It's the quietest time of year for the Legislature for the most part. Election season is still upon us, but everyone is out of Columbia for the time being.

Agencies and Caucuses though are hard at work as always. South Carolina's Department of Employment & Workforce (DEW) released their Unified State Plan for Education & Workforce Development. The Department of Administration (which oversees 6,000+ state employees and various departments) released its report on how Artificial Intelligence will play a role in state government work. The Department of Transportation (DOT) is accepting public input on its "Momentum 2050" statewide strategic plan. And the SC House Freedom Caucus has a new Chair, Rep. Jordan Pace.


Federal Update

It has been quite the summer of "unprecedented" news on the federal front. We're going to assume you know most of it by now - President Biden's debate performance on June 27, the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, Donald Trump's official nomination at the RNC, President Biden's exit from the race, and Vice President Kamala Harris' entrance. Harris is expected to become the Democratic nominee officially at the DNC Convention in Chicago in August. 

Election day is under 100 days away now.

In Congress, the US House is out until September, and the Senate is leaving town soon as well, for the August Recess. Before they left though, there was some signs of bipartisanship.

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