Together SC consultant partners are here to support YOU

Posted By: Patrick Jinks For Good Connections,

The Together SC consultant partners are here to support YOU 

-- the superheroes of our South Carolina communities.  


Need strategic planning? They've got it.  


Operations in chaos? No problem.  


Capital campaigns giving you nightmares? They’ll handle it.  


Together SC’s Consultant Collaborative Directory is more than a list; it’s a network of skilled professionals ready to jump in and support your work. 


From messaging to accounting, and everything in between, our consultants are here to help you advance your mission. 


What’s even more exciting is that we are committed to raising the bar for ourselves on a regular basis. 


To start, we have added an extra layer of accountability and trust with our new Code of Conduct, effective July 1, 2024. This ensures all our consultants uphold the highest standards of integrity, client engagement, and professional reflection. 


By connecting with our consultants, you're not just hiring an individual; you're tapping into a collective brainpower powerhouse. It’s like having a whole team of experts on speed dial, without the need to bribe them with coffee (though they wouldn’t say no to a cup). 


Ready to elevate your nonprofit? Dive into the Consultant Directory and discover the amazing resources available to you.  


Let’s make magic happen together! 


Your Ally For Good, 


Patrick Jinks, PhD, BCC 
President, The Leaders Perspective 
Together SC Consultant Collaborative Leadership Team Chair 

P.S. New year new leadership team, we welcome Bates and Andrea, thank you Jada for your leadership. See who is serving on the Consultant Leadership Team