For Good Connections

Produced and distributed every other Tuesday by Together SC, For Good Connections aims to connect philanthropic and nonprofit leaders and their allies across South Carolina by sharing helpful news and resources and celebrating accomplishments.

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A commitment to invest in our talented sector professionals

A commitment to invest in our talented sector professionals

Date posted 09/26/2023

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Nonprofit 501(c)3 Organizations: Vital Contributors to South Carolina's Workforce Celebrated During Workforce Month Draws to a Close.

Date posted 09/26/2023

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25 Years and Still Loving Operations

😍 For the love of operations.

Date posted 08/29/2023

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Online Board Recruitment to Build Your Team

I'm excited about Together SC's new partnership with BoardStrong, an online board member recruitment tool FREE for Together SC members.

Date posted 08/1/2023

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Next Level Communications

We have been busy planning our goals and strategies for the coming fiscal year. This year, we will focus on elevating member efforts and developing more effective communication systems. Below I’ve highlighted a few items in the works and ways to connect today!

Date posted 06/16/2023

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The Power of Connection

In celebration of the power of membership, we are designating June as membership month. During this month, we have planned a series of events to engage and empower our members.

Date posted 06/1/2023

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My Goals as Your Chair

July marks a new fiscal year here at Together SC and the beginning of my term as Board Chair. 

Date posted 07/5/2022

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The Soul Work of Undoing Racism

Why would a white guy from the white suburbs move into a Black neighborhood with the state’s highest concentration of child poverty and become an associate minister at a Black church within that neighborhood?   

Date posted 10/11/2021

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Learning and Growing, Together

No matter where you were then (or are now) in your personal journey, it is clear that each of us could be doing more… more learning; more searching for ways to constructively support our BIPOC colleagues, brothers, and sisters; and making more meaningful change in our organizations and communities. 

Date posted 08/30/2021

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The Power of One - Why Merge?

At Communities In Schools (CIS), our mission is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. For over thirty years, throughout South Carolina, we have been doing just that.

Date posted 08/16/2021

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Engaging Boards - virtually or in-person!

How do we re-engage board members, as we consider going back to in-person meetings?

Date posted 04/20/2021

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What is the Deal with Coaching?

Charles (The Weathers Group) and Patrick (The Jinks Perspective), two of Together SC’s most trusted and in-demand business partners, share their insights on benefits of coaching for nonprofit executives.

Date posted 04/13/2021

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